The second theme evening of the Hanse Clinic took place on 31.05.2023, and this time the focus was on “Special orthopaedic surgery”. The event, which was once again held at the charming Hotel Zur Kloster-Mühle in Groß Meckelsen/Kuhmühlen, was a successful mix of professional expertise, informal exchange and a pleasantly relaxed atmosphere. It was with great pleasure that the Hanse Clinic was able to welcome over 60 guests this time.
Once again, the renowned French surgeon Dr Fabrice Rossignol, Dipl. ECVS, from the equine clinic Grosbois near Paris, will open the evening with his lecture “Modern aspects of equine fracture treatment”. Due to an impediment at short notice, Dr Olivier Brandenberger, Head of General and Soft Tissue Surgery, spontaneously stepped in to give Dr Rossignol’s specialist lecture on his behalf. He demonstrated a new surgical method for fractures of the pastern bone to the colleagues present and showed them post-operative results, including possible complications.
He was followed by Christoph Kühnle, Dipl. ECVS, from the equine practice Kühnle on the topic “Modern treatment methods for bone cysts”. The treatment of cysts always poses a great challenge to all veterinarians. Here Christoph Kühnle was very well received with his ideas on new treatment methods.
Afterwards, Ronnie Kuhlmann presented the Allianz horse surgery and health insurance.
In conclusion, the participants discussed the challenges of grip bone fractures after the specialist for orthopaedic surgery of the Hanse Clinic for Horses, Dr Andrea Noguera, had classified the topic theoretically and practically relevant. This topic was also highlighted in a modern way and Dr Noguera also shared her experience with osteosynthesis plate treatment in proximal, complicated fractures with interesting case studies.
The speakers shared their practical experience, presented some of their own surgical methods in detail and were available to answer further questions. The evening programme was rounded off by the excellent catering of the Hotel zur Kloster-Mühle. Dr Olivier Brandenberger: “I am thrilled that due to the success of the first event, even more participants accepted our invitation this time. This shows us that we are on the right track with our new series of events. More will follow!”