Focus on eye diseases: Specialist lectures at the veterinary congress at the EQUITANA trade fair


Who doesn’t know EQUITANA, the world’s largest equestrian trade fair?

Since its premiere in 1972, it has traditionally been held every two years at the fairgrounds in Essen. This is where international stars from show and sport as well as trainers, breeders, dealers and manufacturers meet. EQUITANA is thus also an important industry meeting place and trading centre for new and innovative products.

What few people know: Every year, EQUITANA is followed by an internationally renowned veterinary congress, which focuses specifically on equine medicine.

Here, numerous renowned veterinarians from universities and private clinics from Germany and abroad present the latest results of their research and practical work on a wide range of topics.

This year, the veterinary congress has been supplemented by the main topic of eye diseases, which illustrates the relevance of this field.

As absolute experts in the field of ophthalmology, the Clinic Director of the Hanse Equine Hospital, Dr Stephan Leser, and the eye specialist Dr Kirstin Brandt were invited to share their expertise in two exciting lectures in front of an international audience of experts. To the eagerly listening international veterinarians, Dr Stephan Leser presented the specialist topic of “Intraocular Surgery in Horses” in a lecture that gave an insight into the novel surgical possibilities within the eye. Dr Kirstin Brandt followed with the topic “Blindness in horses and its aetiology”.

“The EQUITANA trade fair’s veterinary congress always sets new standards in the industry,” says Dr Kirstin Brandt. “It is a great honour for me to be able to be part of this congress as a speaker myself this year, sharing my knowledge with international colleagues and thus pointing the way in the further development of treatment methods.”

“This year, the Veterinary Congress has been expanded to include the topic of ophthalmology. This field is gaining more and more relevance in veterinary medicine, which is why it makes sense for specialist veterinarians worldwide to exchange ideas. We are all the more pleased that the Hanse Clinic can make an important contribution to this,” says Clinic Director and eye expert Dr Stephan Leser.

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