- Phone and 24-hour emergency service: +49 (0) 42 82 - 59 46 34 0
- mail@hanseklinik.com
- Mo. to Fr. 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. | Sa. 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. | Please take note of our separate visiting hours
We look forward to seeing you.
Dear customers,
during an inpatient treatment of your horse, you have the possibility to use a separate free parking area of the Hanse Equine Hospital for your horse trailer. Our customer car park is only about 3 minutes away from the clinic grounds and is signposted (Paddock, Neuer Weg (next to house number 22), 27419 Lengenbostel). The location of the customer car park can be found on the map below. Please note that the Hanse Equine Hospital accepts no liability for damage or similar to your vehicle or horse trailer.
If you have a pre-confirmed surgery appointment with us or an emergency with subsequent inpatient stay, please report to our reception first and unload your horse on our premises. You will then receive an access code from us, which you can use to access our customer car park. Our staff will be happy to show you the way.
We look forward to your visit.
Your team at the Hanse Equine Hospital

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